A solutions based consultancy

What We Do

Grant and Tender Writing

Our team of grant writers specialise in creating, managing, and submitting fund winning grants across all sectors.

Project and Business Facilitation

Tap into our experience and skills without having to hire a full time Business Development Manager.

Integrated Management Systems

Our team is here to streamline your business through integrating all components of the business.

How we guide you to your solution

There are so many reasons businesses can veer away from the desired path

Whether it’s feeling overwhelmed by strategies, unsure how to really reach and communicate with the stakeholders that will make your business flourish, uncertainty around how to navigate the digital media landscape successfully or the anxiety of attempting to get all your systems into order.

We’re here to guide you through tough and high water.

Our specialised team has been created to help assist you from the smallest to the most complex of issues. We collaborate with each other, yourself, and various other specialists to ensure that your business can sail smoothly through any roadblock it has been thrown at. With local knowledge, real experience and proven results, we’re here to help you through.

Solutions that actually solve the problem.

The work we do is entirely focused on your unique issue, meaning you’ll always receive a solution that is tailored to your specific circumstances and deliver you the best result. This is because we care about creating meaningful, sustainable strategies and solutions through utilizing our knowledge and resources to support you and see long term results that positively impact and add to your business